The feelgood drinks co." is an organic drinks company that boast about their ingredients’ having no added sugar and their drinks being one of your five a day. I produced the concept for a campaign incorporating elements specified as important to the ethics of the company in the brief (bottom of post). The concept or even strap line for the campaign is "we're here to make you feelgood". I would have like to have produced more situations including the bubble wrap idea. With time over summer i might go back to this and send in any finished pieces I'm happy with, purely because making these little guys and their world was really fun.

Mr&Mrs Feelgood are born.

Feelgood have recently had an image change and revamped their packaging. As far as i can find these are only available over the internet at present. The bottles I worked with are of the original design.

This is where i would post my brain storm that has unfortunately gone walk about. It was a full brain storm of all the different things I could think of as in people, places, objects and situations that make us all feel good. This is where the ideas in the above examples came from.

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